Thank you!
about bispobill
When I was growing up in Chicago we lived in a ground-level flat. The window shades in the living room were always pulled down, lest passers-by on the sidewalk see all the way through the house. My bedroom had a window, but all I could see for the first 18 years of my life was the wall of the neighboring building three feet away. That perhaps explains my fascination with "space": vistas, views and panoramas.
California with its craggy coast and golden-green hills offers these in abundance, so I seek images with trees you can glide over and mountains you can soar above.
And I love faces, and exotic animals, and rusty junk, and ...
Anyway, I started out as a photojournalist a long, long time ago in a place far, far away ... but, ya know, you don't really want to hear about all that, do you? Please, just go ahead and enjoy the images! And if you're ever in San Luis Obispo, give me a call and I'll show you the whole collection!